Source code for jsonschema_pyref

import json
import os.path as pth
import pkgutil
from functools import lru_cache
from importlib import import_module
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Type, Union
from urllib.parse import (ParseResult, urljoin as _urllib_urljoin,
                          urlparse as _urllib_urlparse)

import jsonschema  # type: ignore
from jsonschema import RefResolver as _RefResolver  # type: ignore
from jsonschema import ValidationError  # type: ignore

    import yaml  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    yaml = None

__version__ = '0.1.1.dev0'

__all__ = ['URL_SCHEME_RESOLVERS', 'RefResolver', 'ValidationError', 'urljoin',
           'urlparse', 'validate']

_JSONTypes = Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool, None]
_SchemaTypes = Union[dict, bool]

[docs]def validate(document: _JSONTypes, schema: _SchemaTypes, cls: Optional[Type] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): """ Drop-in replacement for `jsonschema.validate` which uses the customized `jsonschema_pyref.RefResolver` by default. >>> from jsonschema_pyref import validate >>> schema = { ... 'properties': { ... 'a': {'$ref': 'py-obj:jsonschema_pyref.examples.schema1'} ... } ... } ... >>> validate({'a': 'hello'}, schema) is None True """ if 'resolver' not in kwargs: kwargs['resolver'] = RefResolver.from_schema(schema) return jsonschema.validate(document, schema, cls=cls, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class RefResolver(_RefResolver): """ Drop-in replacement for `jsonschema.RefResolver` that can resolve ``py-obj`` and ``py-pkgdata`` URLs. The easiest way to use it is to initialize it using the `~jsonschema.RefResolver.from_schema` method and pass it as a keyword argument to `jsonschema.validate`: >>> import jsonschema >>> from jsonschema_pyref import RefResolver >>> schema = { ... 'properties': { ... 'a': {'$ref': 'py-obj:jsonschema_pyref.examples.schema1'} ... } ... } ... >>> resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema) >>> jsonschema.validate({'a': 'hello'}, schema, resolver=resolver) is None True """ def __init__(self, base_uri: str, referrer: _JSONTypes, store: Union[dict, tuple] = (), cache_remote: bool = True, handlers: Union[dict, tuple] = (), urljoin_cache: Optional[Callable[[str, str], str]] = None, remote_cache: Optional[Callable[[str], dict]] = None) -> None: base_handlers = dict(URL_SCHEME_RESOLVERS) # Users may still override the builtin handlers for py-obj and # py-pkgdata as well as any others base_handlers.update(handlers) handlers = base_handlers # Same for urljoin_cache if urljoin_cache is None: urljoin_cache = lru_cache(1024)(urljoin) super().__init__(base_uri, referrer, store=store, cache_remote=cache_remote, handlers=handlers, urljoin_cache=urljoin_cache, remote_cache=remote_cache)
[docs]def urljoin(base: str, url: str, allow_fragments: bool = True) -> str: """ Extends the stdlib's `urllib.parse.urljoin` to support the custom URL schemes implemented by this package. The join semantics for ``py-obj`` and ``py-pkgdata`` URLs differ from those of typical http-like URLs, as well as from each other. The rules for ``py-obj`` are as follows: * If joined with a "relative" URL, if the URL starts with a Python identifier, it is simply appended to the current object path: >>> from jsonschema_pyref import urljoin >>> urljoin('py-obj:a.b.c', 'd.e') 'py-obj:a.b.c.d.e' * However, if the "relative" URL starts with one or more ``.``, it is processed relative to the base path using similar semantics to Python relative imports. That is, one dot means a different attribute of the same object, and so on: >>> urljoin('py-obj:a.b.c', '.d') 'py-obj:a.b.d' >>> urljoin('py-obj:a.b.c', '..d') 'py-obj:a.d' >>> urljoin('py-obj:a.b.c', '..d.e') 'py-obj:a.d.e' * When joining an absolute URL with the ``py-obj`` scheme, the new URL replaces the base: >>> urljoin('py-obj:a.b.c', 'py-obj:d.e.f') 'py-obj:d.e.f' * And likewise when joining an absolute URL with an entirely different scheme: >>> urljoin('py-obj:a.b.c', '') '' * Fragments are dropped from the base URL, and retained from the joined URL: >>> urljoin('py-obj:a.b.c#replaced', '.d#fragment') 'py-obj:a.b.d#fragment' >>> urljoin('py-obj:a.b.c#replaced', '#fragment') 'py-obj:a.b.c#fragment' The rules for ``py-pkgdata`` are as follows: * If joined to a relative URL, it is treated as a different file relative to the same package/directory as the base URL, very similarly to how `urllib.parse.urljoin` works for relative paths joined to http(s) URLs: >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema1.json', 'schema2.json') 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema2.json' >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schemas/schema1.json', 'schema2.json') 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schemas/schema2.json' >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schemas/sub/schema1.json', 'schema2.json') 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schemas/sub/schema2.json' >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schemas/schema1.json', '../more_schemas/schema2.json') 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/more_schemas/schema2.json' .. note:: This does not support relative URLs with a package-relative component, only different paths within the same package. Maybe support for this could be added in the future, but under the current format it's too ambiguous. * When joining an absolute URL, if the joined URL is in the same package it works the same as the relative case (effectively the joined URL replaces the base): >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema1.json', 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema2.json') 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema2.json' * Likewise when they are different packages: >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema1.json', 'py-pkgdata:d.e.f/schema2.json') 'py-pkgdata:d.e.f/schema2.json' * Or if they are the exact same URL, that URL is returned: >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/sub/schema1.json', 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/sub/schema1.json') 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/sub/schema1.json' * And likewise if they are not the same scheme at all: >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema1.json', '') '' * The same rules apply for fragments as with ``py-obj``: >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema1.json#replaced', 'schema2.json#fragment') 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema2.json#fragment' >>> urljoin('py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema1.json#replaced', '#fragment') 'py-pkgdata:a.b.c/schema1.json#fragment' """ parsedb = urlparse(base) if parsedb.scheme in _URL_SCHEME_JOINERS: return _URL_SCHEME_JOINERS[parsedb.scheme](base, url) return _urllib_urljoin(base, url, allow_fragments=allow_fragments)
[docs]def urlparse(url: str) -> ParseResult: """ Extends the stdlib's `urllib.parse.urlparse` to support the custom URL schemes implemented by this package. """ if ':' in url: scheme, _ = url.split(':', 1) if scheme in _URL_SCHEME_PARSERS: return _URL_SCHEME_PARSERS[scheme](url) return _urllib_urlparse(url)
def _is_dotted_identifier(s: str) -> bool: """ Return True if string is one or more valid Python identifiers separated by ``.``. """ s = s.strip() if not s: return False for ident in s.split('.'): if not ident.isidentifier(): return False return True def _resolve_url_py_obj(url: str) -> dict: parsed = _urlparse_py_obj(url) path = parsed.path modname = path objpath: List[str] = [] module = None while module is None: try: module = import_module(modname) except ImportError: if '.' in path: # At least part of the dotted name is the name of the object # in the module, and not the module itself. modname, objname = modname.rsplit('.', 1) objpath.insert(0, objname) else: raise obj = module for idx, attr in enumerate(objpath): try: obj = getattr(obj, attr) except Exception: raise AttributeError( f"no attribute '{attr}' on " f"{'.'.join([modname] + objpath[:idx])}") if not isinstance(obj, dict): raise ValueError( f'path {path} does not resolve to a dict, which it must be in ' f'order to be a JSON Schema') return obj def _resolve_url_py_pkgdata(url: str) -> dict: parsed = _urlparse_py_pkgdata(url) path = parsed.path pkgname, filename = path.split('/', 1) _, ext = pth.splitext(filename) # TODO: Support more file types and a pluggable registry of loaders for # different types--as long as it can be loaded into a dict it can be # supported yaml_exts = {'.yaml', '.yml'} json_exts = {'.json'} supported_exts = yaml_exts | json_exts data = pkgutil.get_data(pkgname, filename) if data is None: raise RuntimeError( f'no resource named {filename} could be loaded from package ' f'{pkgname}; see') if ext in yaml_exts: if yaml is None: raise RuntimeError( 'reading schemas from YAML files requires PyYAML to be ' 'installed:') return yaml.safe_load(data) elif ext in json_exts: return json.loads(data) else: supported_exts = yaml_exts | json_exts raise ValueError( f'schemas are currently only loadable from files with the ' f'following filename extensions: {sorted(supported_exts)}') def _urljoin_py_obj(base: str, url: str) -> str: parsedb = _urlparse_py_obj(base) parsedu = urlparse(url) if parsedu.scheme: return url rel_depth = 0 pathu = parsedu.path while pathu and pathu[0] == '.': rel_depth += 1 pathu = pathu[1:] pathb = parsedb.path pathb_parts = pathb.split('.') if rel_depth > len(pathb_parts): raise ValueError( f'relative object path {url} outside the original path {base}') if rel_depth > 0: pathb = '.'.join(pathb_parts[:-rel_depth]) new_url = 'py-obj:' + pathb if pathu: new_url += '.' + pathu if parsedu.fragment: new_url += '#' + parsedu.fragment return new_url def _urljoin_py_pkgdata(base: str, url: str) -> str: # This follows similar semantics to normal URL joins w.r.t. the filename # path, so we actually pass this to urljoin but without the scheme (which # it doesn't recognize) parsedb = _urlparse_py_pkgdata(base) parsedu = urlparse(url) # If url is an absolute url with a scheme, what we do depends on the # scheme: # * If also py-pkgdata, check if the package names match; if so join just # the filename, if not replace both the package name and the filename. # This is a bit similar to stdlib urljoin() semantics for http URLs # # * If different scheme, also replace the base URL entirely. if parsedu.scheme == parsedb.scheme: # If pkgb == pkgu and filenameb == filenameu we take parsedu.path # But same if pkgb != pkgu or filenameb != filenameu, # So in all cases take the new path from url new_path = parsedu.path elif parsedu.scheme: # Some other scheme return url else: # A relative URL relative to the base py-pkgdata URL new_path = _urllib_urljoin(parsedb.path, parsedu.path) if parsedu.fragment: new_path += '#' + parsedu.fragment return 'py-pkgdata:' + new_path def _urlparse_py_obj(url: str) -> ParseResult: """Parse URLs with the ``py-obj:`` scheme.""" if not url.startswith('py-obj:'): raise ValueError(f'not a py-obj URL: {url}') _, rest = url.split(':', 1) if '#' in rest: path, fragment = rest.split('#', 1) else: path, fragment = rest, '' if not _is_dotted_identifier(path): fmt = 'py-obj:<identifier>[.<identifier>...][#<fragment>]' raise ValueError( f'py-obj URL path component {path} contains an invalid Python ' f'indentifier; the correct format for a py-obj URL is: {fmt}') return ParseResult(scheme='py-obj', netloc='', path=path, params='', query='', fragment=fragment) def _urlparse_py_pkgdata(url: str) -> ParseResult: """Parse URLs with the ``py-pkgdata:`` scheme.""" if not url.startswith('py-pkgdata:'): raise ValueError(f'not a py-pkgdata URL: {url}') _, rest = url.split(':', 1) if '#' in rest: path, fragment = rest.split('#', 1) else: path, fragment = rest, '' path = path.strip() fmt = 'py-pkgdata:<module>[.<module>...]/<path>[#<fragment>]' if '/' in path: module, filename = path.split('/', 1) else: module, filename = path, '' filename = filename.strip() if not filename: raise ValueError( f'py-pkgdata URL must contain a package-relative path to a file ' f'contained in the package, starting with a "/"; the correct ' f'format for a py-pkgdata URL is: {fmt}') if not _is_dotted_identifier(module): raise ValueError( f'py-obj URL module component {module} is not a valid Python ' f'indentifier; the correct format for a py-obj URL is: {fmt}') return ParseResult(scheme='py-pkgdata', netloc='', path=f'{module}/{filename}', params='', query='', fragment=fragment) URL_SCHEME_RESOLVERS = { 'py-obj': _resolve_url_py_obj, 'py-pkgdata': _resolve_url_py_pkgdata } """ Additional URL handlers for the custom URL schemes supported by this package. This can be passed to the ``handlers`` argument of `jsonschema.RefResolver`, but take note: It is also necessary to override the ``urljoin_cache`` argument to use `jsonschema_pyref.urljoin` as follows:: >>> import jonschema >>> from jsonschema_pyref import URL_SCHEME_RESOLVERS, urljoin >>> from functools import lru_cache >>> resolver = RefResolver({}, {}, handlers=URL_SCHEME_RESOLVERS, ... urljoin_cache=lru_cache(1024)(urljoin)) This boilerplate can be avoided entirely by using the supplied `jsonschema_pyref.RefResolver` which has these enhancements by default (and is otherwise identical to `jsonschema.RefResolver`). """ _URL_SCHEME_JOINERS = { 'py-obj': _urljoin_py_obj, 'py-pkgdata': _urljoin_py_pkgdata } _URL_SCHEME_PARSERS = { 'py-obj': _urlparse_py_obj, 'py-pkgdata': _urlparse_py_pkgdata }